PAT IMPEX Aromatic Chemicals

By Pat Impex India
31st July, 2024

Manufacturer of Aromatic Flavor and Fragrance Chemicals in Vadodara Gujarat India. 

  • 2 - Acetyl Pyrazine
  • 2 Methyl Butyric Acid
  • 2 Methyl Undecanal
  • 2 Pentyl Cyclo Pentanone (Delphone)
  • 2,3 Dimethyl Pyrazine
  • 2,3,5 Trimethyl Pyrazine
  • 2,3,5,6 - Tetra Methyl Pyrazine
  • 2-Acetyl Furan
  • 2-Ethyl- 3,5-Dimethyl Pyrazine
  • 2-Ethyl Pyrazine
  • 2-Iso Propyl- 4-Methyl Thiazole
  • 2-Isobutyl Methoxy Pyrazine
  • 2-Methoxy- 3- Methyl Pyrazine
  • 2-Methoxy-4-Vinylphenol
  • 2-Methyl Pyrazine
  • 2-Methyl Thio-(3 Or 5)-Methyl Pyrazine
  • 2-Sec Butty-3-Methoxy Pyrazine
  • 3-Mercaptohexanol
  • 3-Phenyl Propanol
  • 4 Acetoxy Furanone
  • 4 Vinylguaiacol
  • 4-Methyl-5- Vinayl Thiazole
  • 4-Methyl-5-Vinylthiazole
  • 5-Methyl Furfural
  • 6-Methyl Coumarin
  • 6-Methylcoumarin
  • Acetal E (Verotyl)
  • Acetoin
  • Acetophenone
  • Acetyl Chloride
  • Aganile (Peonile)
  • Aldehdye C-14, C-18
  • Aldehyde C-10
  • Aldehyde C11 (Undecylenic Aldehyde)
  • Aldehyde C11/C12/C14
  • Aldehyde C16
  • Aldehyde C-8
  • Aldehydes C-16
  • Allyl Alcohol
  • Allyl Amyl Glycolate
  • Allyl Caproate
  • Allyl Caproate/Caprylate/ Heptoate
  • Allyl Cyclo Hexyl Propionate
  • Allyl Haptoate
  • Alpha Amyl Cinnamic Aldehyde
  • Alpha Amyl Cinnamic Aldehyde Dimethyl Acetal
  • Alpha Damascomne
  • Alpha Damascone
  • Alpha Methyl Cinnamic Aldehyde
  • Alpha Pinene 95%
  • Ambergris Ketone (Iso E Super)
  • Ambermor Dl (Ambrox Dl)
  • Ambermor Flakes (Ambroxan)
  • Ambermor Ketal (Amber Ketal)
  • Ambretolide
  • Ambrocenide Pure
  • Amyl Phenyl Acetate
  • Amyl Propionate/Acetate
  • Amyl Salicylate (Oxo)
  • Amyris Oil
  • Andrene
  • Anethole 99%
  • Angelica Seed Oil
  • Anisole Aldehyde
  • Anisyl Acetone
  • Aquamor (Calone)
  • Armoise Oil
  • Atralone (Evernyl)
  • Aurantilol
  • Azailic Acid
  • Balsam Peru
  • Benzaldehyde
  • Benzoic Acid
  • Benzophenone
  • Benzyl Acetate
  • Benzyl Acetone
  • Benzyl Alcohol
  • Benzyl Benzoate
  • Benzyl Butyrate /Propionate
  • Benzyl Chloride
  • Benzyllidine Acetone
  • Bergamot Oil
  • Beta Damascone
  • Beta Ionone
  • Beta Pinene
  • Bezyl Salicylate
  • Buchu Leaf Oil
  • Butyl Benzoate
  • Butyl Butyryl Lactacte
  • Butylated Hydroxy Toluene
  • Capric Acid
  • Caproic Acid
  • Caprylic Acid
  • Caraway Oil
  • Cardamom Oil
  • Caryophyllene Acetate
  • Caryophyllene Oxide
  • Cashmeran
  • Cat Ketone
  • Cedarwood Oil Texas
  • Cedrol Crystals
  • Cedryl Acetate
  • Cedryl Acetate Crystals
  • Cedryl Acetate Liquid
  • Cedryl Methyl Ether
  • Cedryl Methyl Ether-Cedramber
  • Celestolide
  • Ceto Stearyl Alcohol
  • Chamomile Oil Blue / Roman
  • Cinnamic Acid
  • Cinnamic Alcohol
  • Cinnamon Oil
  • Cinnamyl Acetate
  • Cinnamyl Formate
  • Cinnamyl Isobutyrate/ Propionate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl 2 Methyl Butyrate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl Acetate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl Benzoate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl Butyrate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl Caproate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl Iso Butyrate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl Iso Valerate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl Phenylâ Â Acetate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl Propionate
  • Cis - 3 - Hexenyl Tiglate
  • Cis 3 Hexanol
  • Cis 3 Hexyal Acetate
  • Cis 6 Nonenal
  • Cis 6 Nonenol
  • Cis Jasmone
  • Citral
  • Citral/Citronellol
  • Citridora Oil
  • Citronellol
  • Citronellyl Acetate
  • Citronellyl Butyrate
  • Citronellyl Caproate
  • Citronellyl Formate
  • Citronellyl Iso Butyrate
  • Citronellyl Iso Valerate
  • Citronellyl Nitryile
  • Citronellyl Propionate
  • Citronellyl Tiglate
  • Clary Sage Oil
  • Clove Leaf Oil
  • Clove Oil Pg
  • Clove Oil Rectified 85%
  • Clove Terpenes
  • Coriander Oil
  • Coriander Seed Oil
  • Coumarin
  • Cumin Aldehyde
  • Cuminic Aldehyde
  • Cyclo Hexanol
  • Cyclo Hexyl Salicylate
  • Cyclohexyl Butyrate
  • Cyclohexyl Salicylate
  • D Limonene
  • D.M.B.C.
  • D.M.B.C.A.
  • D.M.B.C.B.
  • Damascenone
  • Dcpd Acetate (Verdyl Acetate)
  • Dcpd Isobutyrate (Verdyl Isobutyrate)
  • Dcpd Propionate (Verdlyl Propionate)
  • Decyl Alcohol
  • Delta Damascone
  • Delta Decalactone
  • Delta Dodecalactone
  • Delta Hexalactone
  • Delta Nonalactone
  • Delta Octalactone
  • Delta Tetradecalactone
  • Delta Undecalactone
  • Di Hydro Ionone Beta
  • Di Hydro Jasmone
  • Di Hydro Terpeniol
  • Di Hydro Terpinyl Acetate
  • Di Methyl Phenyl Ethyl
  • Di Metol
  • Di Phenyl Methane
  • Diacetal
  • Diacetyl
  • Difurfuryl Disulphide
  • Dihydro Myrcenyl Acetate
  • Dihydro Verdyl Acetate
  • Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinol
  • Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Acetate
  • Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Butyrate
  • Dimethyl Hydroquinone
  • Dimetol
  • Di-Phenyl Oxide
  • Dipropylene Glycol
  • Dmbca
  • Dmo Acetate
  • Dynamor (Dynascone Pure)
  • Elemi Oil
  • Em Pentanoate (Manzanate)
  • Ethyl 2 Methyl Butyrate
  • Ethyl Aceto Acetate
  • Ethyl Butyrate
  • Ethyl Carbitol
  • Ethyl Cinnamate
  • Ethyl Linalool
  • Ethyl Maltol
  • Ethyl Phenyl Acetate
  • Ethyl Phenyl Glycidate
  • Ethyl Safranate
  • Ethyl Vanillin
  • Ethyl Vanniline
  • Ethylene Brassylate (Musk - T)
  • Eucalyptol
  • Eucalyptol Pure (99%)
  • Eugenol
  • Eugenyl Acetate
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Fdl - 40
  • Fenchyl Acetate
  • Fenchyl Alcohol (Fenchol)
  • Finanol (Bacdanol)
  • Fine Sandal Core (Sandal Mysore Core)
  • Fine Timber (Timberol)
  • Fructone
  • Furaniol
  • Furanone (Furaneol)
  • Furfuryl Alcohol
  • Furfuryl Mercaptan
  • Galaxolide 50% Dep
  • Galaxolide 50% Ipm
  • Galaxolide Pure
  • Galbanum Oil
  • Gamma Decalactone
  • Gamma Dodecalactone
  • Gamma Heptalactone
  • Gamma Hexalactone
  • Gamma Nonalactone
  • Gamma Octalactone
  • Gamma Undecalactone (C-14)
  • Gamma Valerolactone
  • Garlic Oil
  • Geraniol
  • Geraniol 60
  • Geraniol 90
  • Geraniol 98
  • Geraniol Acetate
  • Geraniol Extra
  • Geranium Oil
  • Geranyl Acetate Dp
  • Geranyl Acetate Sp
  • Geranyl Acetate/Caproate/Nitrile
  • Geranyl Acetateâ (Min 98% / 2 Peak)
  • Geranyl Butyrate
  • Geranyl Caproate
  • Geranyl Formate
  • Geranyl Formate Dp
  • Geranyl Formate Sp
  • Geranyl Iso Butyrate
  • Geranyl Iso Valerate
  • Geranyl Phenyl Acetate
  • Geranyl Propionate
  • Geranyl Tiglate
  • Glycerine
  • Glycerol Tributyrate
  • Green Leaf (Trans 3 Hexenol)
  • Guaiacwood Oil
  • Guaiyl Acetate
  • Gurjun Balsam Oil Dark / Light
  • Heliogan (Helional)
  • Helional
  • Heliotropin
  • Hexyl Acetate
  • Hexyl Butyrate
  • Hexyl Cinnamic Aldehyde
  • Hexyl Iso Butyrate
  • Hexyl Salicylate
  • Hexylene Glycol
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Hydroxy Citronellal
  • Hydroxyambran
  • Indole
  • Iso Amyl Acetate
  • Iso Amyl Alcohol
  • Iso Amyl Butyrate
  • Iso Amyl Phenyl Acetate
  • Iso Amyl Propionate
  • Iso Amyl Salicylate
  • Iso Bornyl Acetate
  • Iso Butyl Phenyl Acetate
  • Iso Butyric Acid
  • Iso Cyclo Citral
  • Iso Propyl Propionate
  • Iso Valeric Acid
  • Isobutyl Benzoate/Cinnamate/Formate
  • Isobutyl Phenyl Acetate
  • Isopropyl Myristate
  • Isovaleric Acid
  • Jasmorange
  • Kakdinol (Undecavertol)
  • Karamor
  • Kovyral (Lyral)
  • L Bacdanol
  • L Carvone 99%
  • Lactic Acid
  • Lactose
  • Lauric Acid
  • Lavender Absolute
  • Lavender Oil
  • Lavendin Abrillis Oil
  • Lavendin Absolute
  • Lavendin Grosso Oil
  • Lemon Grass Oil
  • Lemon Oil
  • Lemon Oil (4% Citral)
  • Lilial
  • Limbunile (Lemonile)
  • Linalool
  • Linalool Oxide
  • Linalyl Acetate
  • Linlan Alcohol (Majantol)
  • Lysmeral
  • M.C.K. 80% (Methyl Cedryl Ketone)
  • Maltol
  • Mandarin Oil Green
  • Mandarin Oil Red
  • Manzanate
  • Maple Lactone
  • Melomor
  • Melonal
  • Menthyl Lactate
  • Methional
  • Methoxy Phenal (Canthoxal)
  • Methyl Amyl Ketone
  • Methyl Cedryl Ketone
  • Methyl Cedryl Ketone (Vertofix)
  • Methyl Cinnamate
  • Methyl Cyclopentenolone
  • Methyl Dihydro Jasmonate (Hc30 / Hc70)
  • Methyl Dihydro Jasmonate (Hedione)
  • Methyl Eugenol/Methyl Iso Eugenol
  • Methyl Heptine Carbonate
  • Methyl Heptyl Ketone
  • Methyl Hexyl Ketone
  • Methyl Octine Carbonate
  • Methyl Pamplemousse
  • Methyl Phenyl Acetate
  • Milk Lactone
  • Muscemore (Muscenone)
  • Muscone
  • Muscosandrol (Ebanol)
  • Musk Ambrette
  • Musk C - 14
  • Musk Ketone
  • Musk Xylol
  • Musk-T
  • Myrac Aldehyde (Myral)
  • Myrcene 80
  • Myristic Acid
  • N Butyric Acid
  • N Hexanol
  • N-Amyl Alcohol
  • N-Butyric Acid
  • Nerol 80
  • Neryl Acetate
  • Neryl Formate
  • Neryl Nitrile
  • Nerylacetate
  • N-Heptanol
  • Noot Ketone Crystals
  • Nopyl Acetate
  • N-Pentanol
  • Nutmeg Oil
  • N-Valeric Acid
  • Oakmoss Absolute
  • Ocimene
  • Octyl Acetate
  • Octyl Alcohol
  • Oleic Acid- 75 %
  • Onion Oil
  • Orange Carbonyl
  • Orange Oil
  • Orange Oil Bitter
  • Padma
  • Palmarosa Oil
  • Palmitic Acid
  • Para Crecyl Methyl Ether
  • Para Cresol
  • Para Cresyl Acetate
  • Para Cresyl Phenyl Acetate
  • Patchouli Oil
  • Patchouli Oil (Rco)
  • Patchouli Oil (Standard)
  • Patchouli Oil Iron Free
  • Pehnyl Ethyl Salicylate
  • Pentyl Salicylate
  • Petit Grain Oil
  • Phenoxy Ethanol
  • Phenoxy Ethyl Acetate
  • Phenoxy Ethyl Iso Butyrate
  • Phenyl Acetic Acid
  • Phenyl Ethyl Acetateâ
  • Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol
  • Phenyl Ethyl Benzoate
  • Phenyl Ethyl Butyrate
  • Phenyl Ethyl Formate
  • Phenyl Ethyl Iso Butyrate
  • Phenyl Ethyl Methyl Ether
  • Phenyl Ethyl Tiglate
  • Phenyl Hexanol
  • Poivrol (Mahagonate)
  • Pomelo Acetal (Methyl Pamplemousse)
  • Potasium Sorbate
  • Precyclemone B
  • Propenyl Guaethol
  • Propional Dehyde
  • Propionic Acid
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Propylene Glycol 425
  • Pyranol
  • Raspberry Ketone
  • Resinoid Benzoin
  • Resorcinol Dimethyl Ether
  • Rhodinol
  • Rhodinol (Ex Geranium)
  • Rhodinol (Synthetic)
  • Rhodinyl Acetate
  • Romoxyde (Cedroxyde)
  • Rosalva
  • Rose Oxide 70:30 (Inactive)
  • Rose Oxide 90:10 (High Cis)
  • Rose Petal Acetate (Roseate)
  • Rosemary Oil
  • Sage Oil
  • Sandal Booster
  • Sandelor
  • Sandenol
  • Sandenol (Icch)
  • Sclareol
  • Sclareolide
  • Sodium Metal
  • Sodium Saccharin
  • Sorbic Acid
  • Strawberryiff
  • Styrax Oil
  • Sulfurol
  • Sulfuryl Acetate
  • Terpenyl Acetate
  • Terpinen-4-Ol
  • Terpineol
  • Terpinyl Butyrate
  • Tetra Hydro Geraniol (Dmo)
  • Tetra Hydro Linalool
  • Tetrahydro Linalool
  • Thiomenthone
  • Thymol
  • Tonalide
  • Trans 3 Hexenyl Acetate
  • Trans 3 Hexenyl Benzoate
  • Trans-2-Hexenal
  • Trans-2-Hexenol
  • Triacetin
  • Triethonolamine
  • Trigustral (Triplal)
  • Triplal (Hivertal, Ligustral)
  • Tropathiane
  • Valencene
  • Vanillin
  • Veratraldehyde
  • Vetiver Oil (Haiti)
  • Vetiveryl Acetate (Eco)
  • Vetiveryl Acetate (Ex Haiti)
  • Whisky Lactone
  • Woodamber
  • Ylang Oil Extra
  • Ylang Oil Iii
  • Zingerone

Categories: Flavor Fragrance
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